So. Yeah.
Fluke was pretty amazing. I'm still exhausted from the drive but wow.
So amazing.
Give me Fluke over Megacon any day.
I have so many new comics in my possession...I don't even know how to act. I should probably finish reading them all right? Yeah.
Good times+Good people=Great weekend.
I had a great time trading with and meeting all the other cartoonists.
For anyone who didn't get a chance to pick up the new Get Bent mini here's a taste of what you're missing. (And what will be in the next issue of the District)

New Get Bent's this week.
Fluke was pretty amazing. I'm still exhausted from the drive but wow.
So amazing.
Give me Fluke over Megacon any day.
I have so many new comics in my possession...I don't even know how to act. I should probably finish reading them all right? Yeah.
Good times+Good people=Great weekend.
I had a great time trading with and meeting all the other cartoonists.
For anyone who didn't get a chance to pick up the new Get Bent mini here's a taste of what you're missing. (And what will be in the next issue of the District)

New Get Bent's this week.
hahaha!! can't tie a knot hahaha thats great stupid kid hahaha!!! makes me feel superior hahaha!!!!
Lol, Joe..your comics continue to get more and more awesome. I finally added you to LJ!
Love the text, too. Makes your stuff look more professional.
Thanks! (The computer lettering is actually a lot easier to do too)
It's about time you added me back on lj!
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